Shipping Container Homes in Delhi Region for Dwell+


A Pair of Shipping Container Homes Trace the Edges of a Nature Preserve in India, Dwell, Oct. 31, 2022.

As the couple lived on the land, they got to know their neighbors—shepherds, gardeners, and dairy farmers with whom they shared the jungle village. "For people who come from the city, the jungle is an unknown—it was really cool that we could spend the pandemic getting to know the place," Mary says. 

Kumar paid Mary and Kundan a visit to familiarize himself with the place and develop a site plan. "We spent a lot of time planning the location of the containers, down to the last angle," Kumar says. "It was beautiful to stand on the site and see what you’re going to see when you wake up—all of the angles of the ridge behind you. That’s when the entire project took shape." 


 The completed project strikes a balance between contemporary and vernacular design and immerses the family in the landscape without being too obtrusive. "We don’t have paintings on the wall, because how can you beat the view," Mary says. "It’s just so green—you open those huge doors, and it’s like living in a treehouse."